Wednesday, March 15, 2017

HOW REAL IS FEAR? However real you make it!


Opposition exists all around us, if we allow it. I say that because YOU are the common factor everywhere you go. Your own way of thinking can be the greatest challenge in overcoming opposition. We must realize that our mind is the CPU, sending the signals to the rest of the body, those signals dictating what the mind perceives as truth. Cultivating a positive mindset is essential to your success, it starts and ends with YOU.

It is important to realize that also external opponents to your positive mindset. Often, some of the greatest influences to our mind, are the people we hang around. Sometimes, we aren’t in a situation to change our friends overnight but let me suggest a great place to start. Learning to cut down and eventually eliminate negative comments stated by family and friends is essential. You must be aware that even some people who mean you the greatest help can be a hindrance.

Most times we simply pick up bad advice from people who never did what we are doing. One of the greatest warnings that you’ll receive from friends and family is to avoid risk. I want to bring the following awareness, in order to be successful in anything, you must be willing to take a risk. We don’t have the luxury of being a divine entity, meaning we do not know the end of a thing when it starts. Because we don’t know the outcome, the risk exists, and we must be willing to explore the result if we are to discover, if success lies in our pursuit.

The problem with the risk warning also arises because it creates fear. Fear prohibits us with finding our actual purpose. If we allow fear to cripple us we will never go beyond identifying our purpose. Sadly, many have allowed it to stop the awareness of purpose all together. What we must realize and remember is, the commonly used acronym for fear: false evidence appearing real. Your purpose is more important than the false evidence that appears to be real. Again, changing your mindset, changing the input to your CPU allows for greater vision. Fear blocks greater vision with evidence that skews your reality.

The challenge lies in your mind, will you make the decision to actively overcome opposition?

Destiny and purpose are waiting. Choose wisely.


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